Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency is a well known method for representing a document as a bag of words. For a given corpus , we compute the IDF value for each word by taking , with denoting the number of documents in containing the word . The document is represented by a vector of length corresponding to the number of unique words in . Each element of the vector will be a tf-idf value for the word, i.e. , where represents the term frequency of the word in document . Sometimes, we may l1 or l2 normalize the tf-idf vector so that the dot product between document vectors represents the cosine similarity between them.

Bayesian Smoothing

We may want to apply some bayesian smoothing to the terms to avoid spurious matches. For example, suppose that a rare word appears only in documents and in the entire corpus just by random chance. The will be a large value, and hence documents and will have a high cosine similarity just because of this rare word.

For the specific setting I am considering, we can deal with this problem using bayesian smoothing. The setting is as follows:

  • Each document represents a job, and each job is tagged to an occupation
  • An occupation can have one or more jobs tagged to it
  • We wish to represent each occupation as a TF-IDF vector of words

To apply bayesian smoothing to this scenario, notice that we only need to smooth the term frequencies . Since the IDF values are estimated across the whole corpus, we can assume that those are relatively reliable. And since term frequencies are counts, we can use a poisson random variable to represent them. See reference for a primer on the gamma-poisson bayesian inference model.

Specifically, we assume that is the poisson parameter that dictates the term frequency of in any document belonging to , i.e. . We treat the observed term frequency for each document belonging to as a data sample to update our beliefs about . We start with an uninformative gamma prior for , and obtain the MAP estimate for as below, with denoting the number of documents that belong to occupation .

We can thus use this formula to obtain posterior estimates for each . One possible choice of the prior parameters and is to set to be the mean term frequency for word per document in the entire corpus, and to set . This prior corresponds to following a gamma distribution with mean and variance , which seems to be a reasonable choice that can be overrided by a reasonable amount of data.

The posterior variance, which may also be helpful in quantifying the confidence of this estimate, is:

Finally, after obtaining the posterior estimates for each , we can just use them as our term frequencies and multiply them by the IDF values as per normal. We can also apply l1 or l2 normalization thereafter to the tf-idf vectors. This method should produce tf-idf vectors that are more robust to the original problem of spurious matches.

For illustration, for a very rare word , will be a low value close to 0 (say 0.01). Suppose we were to observe number of new documents, each containing one occurrence of word . Then the posterior estimate of will update as follows:


As desired, the estimate for starts off at a very small value and gradually approaches the true value . This will help mitigate the effect of spurious matches. If we desire for the update to match the data more quickly, we can simply scale and down by some factor, e.g. now and . Then we have:


As a final detail, note that the update formula can result in negative estimates if and . The small negative value is probably not a big problem for our purposes, but we could also resolve it by setting the negative values to zero if desired.