Blecher 2023 - Nougat

Blecher 2023 - Nougat: Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents.

Nougat is an end-to-end system that converts a scientific PDF into a sequence of tokens in markdown format in an auto-regressive way.

Prior methods for Visual Document Understanding (VDU) usually rely on an external OCR service to generate intermediate outputs. In contrast, this method is end-to-end, and the text is generated directly from image embeddings in a decoder manner. Thus, the model is very simple and most of the work in this paper is in data preparation.


  1. Encoder. The encoder gets a variable size document image and applies crop / resizing to generate a fixed rectangle of size . Smaller images are white padded. The fixed size image can then be passed into a Swin Transformer to output a sequence of embedded patches where is the latent dimension and is the number of patches.