Hamilton 2017 - GraphSAGE


This paper presents a framework to efficiently generate node embeddings, especially for previously unseen nodes. It calls this inductive learning, i.e. the model is able to generalize to new nodes, as opposed to previous frameworks which are transductive and only learn embeddings for seen nodes. For example, matrix factorization methods are transductive because we can only make predictions on a graph with fixed nodes, and need to be retrained when new nodes are added.

GraphSAGE (i.e. Sample and Aggregation) aggregates feature information from the neighbourhood of a node to represent a given node. Feature information can include structural information (e.g. degree of a node) or other content-based information about a node, e.g. description of a job for a job node etc.


We start with a graph that is provided by data. We have input features . For a user-chosen depth of , we have aggregator functions and weight matrices . We also have a neighbourhood function , which means it maps from a node to a set of nodes in . Note that is the powerset of the set , i.e. the set of all possible subsets of . We wish to generate low-dimensional, dense vector representations of each node .

Forward Propagation

The algorithm for the forward propagation (in words) is as follows:

  1. We start with hidden representations , i.e. at layer 0, we just use the input features to represent each node
  2. At depth , we perform a neighbourhood aggregation step at each node :
  3. The aggregated vector is then passed through a dense layer to get the hidden representation at depth . Note that represents a non-linear activation, such as ReLU:
  4. We L2-normalize each vector
  5. We then repeat this process repeatedly for depths
  6. We then take the last layer:

The intuition behind the forward propagation is that we use the neighbours of to represent it. Importantly, we also include the hidden representation of the current node from the previous depth (analogous to a residual connection). At each depth level , we increasingly pull more information from further reaches of the graph. Note that in the aggregation step, a subset of each node's neighbours are sampled uniformly (as opposed to taking the full neighbour set) to control the complexity of the algorithm.


To train the weights, we define an unsupervised loss based on how well the embeddings are able to reconstruct the graph. Specifically, we have a loss which:

  • Rewards positive pairs for having a high dot product
  • Penalizes negative pairs ( being sampled negatives according to the negative sampling distribution )

Alternatively, we can also define a supervised loss based on classification cross entropy loss, with presumably some form of negative sampling. The authors did not elaborate on this.

Aggregation Methods

The authors explored a few ways to define the function to aggregate neighbour embeddings together:

  • GraphSAGE-mean: The element-wise mean of the neighbour embeddings is taken
  • GraphSAGE-GCN: Same as above, except that the current node's hidden representation from the previous depth is not included. The experiments show that omitting this residual connection actually leads to significant performance degradation.
  • GraphSAGE-LSTM: An LSTM is fitted over the sequence of embeddings. Since there is no inherent order to the neighbours, the authors randomize the ordering for each training sample
  • GraphSAGE-pool: An additional linear layer is added over the sequence of embeddings, before an element-wise max-pool operation is carried out

Generally from the experiments, it seems that GraphSAGE-mean is sufficient.