Lewis 2020 - Retrieval Augmented Generation

Lewis 2020 - Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks

This paper proposes a way to fine-tune a parametric seq2seq transformers (e.g. GPT) with a non-parametric memory through dense retrieval. The main idea is to extend parametric memory (i.e. the "knowledge" that is stored within the LLM floating point parameters) of the seq2seq model by coupling it with retrieval of documents from a vector database (dubbed non-parametric memory, using Wikipedia articles in the original paper). We can update the non-parametric database's knowledge as the world changes.

The paper argues that this setup is ideal for knowledge-intensive tasks such as open question answering, fact verification etc., where it is impossible to store all knowledge in parametric memory.


Given an input sequence of tokens , we wish to retrieve contextual documents and use them as additional context when generating target sequence . We have two models:

  • Retriever which returns top-k truncated probability distributions over text passages. Truncated probably means that the probability is normalized such that the top-k probabilities sum up to 1 for each retrieval.
  • Generator parametrized by which generates tokens in an auto-regressive manner.

The goal is to train both models end-to-end on a fine-tuning corpus of input sequence / output sequence pairs. The loss objective is to minimize the negative log-likelihood .


The paper proposes two different models to achieve the end-to-end prediction.

  1. RAG-Sequence. In this setting, we retrieve k documents and keep using them to generate the entire target sequence.

  • Note that we are marginalizing (or taking a weighted combination) over the truncated distribution of , implying that we trust each document according to its retrieval probability in the final probability for generating each token.
  • The expression just means that we generate the target sequence with an input sequence that is a concatenation of , and .
  • The retrieval is done using a BERT encoder using Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS). To avoid re-indexing, the document vectors are held constant whilst the query encoder is trained in the above end-to-end fashion.
  • There is no explicit supervision on what documents are to be retrieved. Intuitively, if a document is useful for generating the correct tokens, the loss objective would encourage to be larger, thus encouraging the retriever to retrieve more relevant documents.
  • Another interesting way to think about this setup: suppose the generator just returns the retrieved document (token for token) and k=1, and the input / output pairs are anchor-positive pairs in a standard retrieval setting. Then we can see that this matches the standard retrieval training objectives but without negative sampling. Thus it seems that the token prediction task is sufficient to generate negative signals for non-useful documents such that explicit negatives are not needed.
  1. RAG-token. In contrast, RAG-token retrieves k documents at each time step, allowing us to sample new documents according to the needs at each decoding step.

Note that the retrieved context is now which varies at each time step. The change in retrieval at each step seems to add complexity during training.


  • Increasing number of retrieved documents. 5 or 10 documents are used for retrieval. Ablation shows that performance increases monotonically (albeit diminishingly) for RAG-sequence with increasing number of retrieved documents.
  • Learned Retrieval is useful. The authors try freezing the retriever and compare it against the setting of allowing the retriever to learn. They find that generally learned retrieval improves results significantly.
  • RAG generates more diverse outputs. They measure the ratio of distinct tri-grams / total tri-grams and find that RAG-decoding compared to normal decoding is more diverse.