Bradley-Terry Model

Based on wikipedia. The Bradley-Terry model (1952) is a probability model that allows us to infer scores for individual objects based on a dataset of pairwise comparisons between them. Specifically, it estimates the probability that (i.e. is preferred to ) as:

Where is a positive real-valued score assigned to object (not necessarily a probability). Typically, is parametrized as an exponential score , and the goal is to learn the parameters from pairwise comparisons. This results in:

Parameter Estimation

Parameter estimation is typically done using maximum likelihood. Starting with a set of pairwise comparisons between individual objects, let be the number of times object beats object . Then the likelihood of a given set of parameters ( denotes number of objects) is as follows:

This likelihood function can then be minimized by differentiating wrt and solved by setting to zero.

BT Model as a Sigmoid Function

We can also express the likelihood as a function of the difference in scores . Recall that the sigmoid function is . Then:

The derivation for the second line above is found at /Identities/sigmoid. This re-parametrization shows that the BT-model is really modelling the preference as a difference in scores and then running that through the sigmoid function to convert it into a probability. This means that we are basically running a pairwise logistic regression.