Rendle 2009 - Bayesian Personalized Ranking

BPR: Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback

This is one of the most cited papers for collaborative filtering. It proposes a pairwise learning algorithm for item recommendation from implicit feedback that remains one of the most performant to date. It is pitched as a rival method to Weighted Matrix Factorization, the other strong model of the day. BPR argues that it is superior to WMF because it explicitly optimizes for ranking.


Let , denote the set of all users and items respectively. We have access to an implicit feedback data . The task is to produce each user with a personalized ranking . Note that denotes the cartesian product of with itself, so it represents the set of all ordered pairs of elements of . The ordering is a subset of these pairs where a preference relationship is indicated by the model. For convenience we also denote:

In implicit feedback systems, only positive interactions between user and item and observed. The typical approach is to put the interactions in a matrix and fill in unobserved entries with . A model is then fitted to this model. The paper makes an interesting observation that this problem is ill-defined, since a perfectly expressive model that fits the training data perfectly will fail to make any prediction at all, since all unobserved entries will be given a score of . Hence regularization methods are employed to avoid such overfitting.

The idea of BPR is to avoid making judgment on the pairwise preference between two items with the same score. That is, if items and are both interacted by user , we cannot judge if one is preferred over the other. Also, if and are both unobserved interactions, we cannot make such judgement either. Thus the training data is denoted by the following.

Note that this definition means that , since cannot be positive for if it was included as a negative.

BPR Loss

The bayesian formulation for finding a ranking is to find the model parameters that maximize the following probability:

We assume that:

  • All users act independently of each other
  • The ordering of each pair of items for a given user is independent of the ordering of every other pair

Then, we can write the likelihood across all users as: Where is the indicator function for the preference relationship. In other words, the likelihood of the overall ordering is the product of the likelihood of each triplet. For each triplet, the likelihood is given by the model's prediction for given label or .

Note that the above term is only not equals to if or . Also, since we observed above that and vice versa, only one of the two terms will come into play for each entry. The above formula can be simplified to:

Note: Not too sure about the above step, would have thought that the term should also come into play when .


Now we can model the preference probability using a model as: Where denotes a BPR-agnostic model that generates a predicted real-valued score for the triplet . Note that is the sigmoid function.

To complete the bayesian modelling, a prior distribution is introduced over the model parameters. For simplicity, we let take the form of a multivariate normal distribution with zero-mean and all covariances zero, with equal variance for each parameter (i.e. ):

The maximum posterior estimator for is thus given by the following:

Note that in the last step, the log prior is translated into L2 regularization. This is apparently well studied and I will explore the derivation at a later time. A possible resource is Yuki Shizuya - Understanding L1 and L2 regularization with analytical and probabilistic views.

The paper suggests using SGD updates (i.e. batch size of 1) by randomly sampling triplets with replacement from . This converges much faster than doing user-wise SGD.

Finally, we've assumed is model-agnostic up to now. For matrix factorization, the authors suggest the following form. In other words, we compute the prediction for each user, item pair (usually via dot product of embeddings, but can be anything) and take the difference.

Cornac Implementation

Cornac has a Cython implementation of BPR that is fast (but not memory scalable when number of user and items is large). num_threads can be increased for faster parallel processing (Cython overrides the GIL).

At initialization:

  • User embedding U of shape n_users, k is drawn randomly from a standard uniform distribution where k is the embedding dimension
  • Then, we take . I suppose this leads to small, centered values which leads to stable initial training. Normalizing by k ensures that the dot product between vectors does not explode.
  • Item embedding of shape n_items, k is initialized similarly
  • Optional bias vector of shape n_items is initialized to the zero vector

Note that train_set.X is a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, which has 3 main vectors:

  • data: values of non-zero entries
  • indices: column indices of the non-zero values
  • indptr: index pointers to the start of each row in data and indices

The vector user_ids is constructed from the csr_matrix. It is of the same length as X.indices and represents the row indices of the non-zero values. Thus we have both row and column indices of the non-zero values.

The main training loop samples a (u, i, j) triplet randomly each turn. It does so by the following steps:

  • A random index i between 0 and len(user_ids) is generated
  • The user_id and item_i_id are obtained by indexing user_ids[i] and X.indices[i] respectively
  • Now a random index j between 0 and n_items is generated
  • The item_j_id is obtained by indexing neg_item_ids[j] where neg_item_ids = np.arange(n_items)
  • A check is performed on the sparse matrix that item_j_id is not a positive item for user_id. If so, we skip this triplet.
  • Pointers to the start of the relevant u, i, j embeddings are then obtained
  • Note that 1 epoch comprises len(user_ids) number of triplets

The Cython code then computes and manually applies the SGD updates derived in the paper. Will omit since we do not need to manually compute the updates if using autograd. Note that the prediction for each triplet is considered correct if .